It may come as a surprise to some as semi-divine culture and profound inner meaning of 5,000 years of Chinese history is reflected in many of today's art forms, especially music and dance.
In Chinese culture, dance is a way to not only show. But emotions and personal feelings. But the character of the choreographers through demonstrations by the dancers, expresses his or her realm of thinking. That's why the combination of form and movement technique called body and the inner world of a dancer all affect the internal transfer.
Chinese dance is called classical Chinese dance. Its origins can be traced back to ancient court dances or folk dances from thousands of years ago.
Starting from the Zhou Dynasty, which lasted from 1122-256 BC by up to Five Dynasties period 907-960 AD, the courts have the authority in charge of music and dance, and musicians and dancers have. Trained Staff The agency also organized the research, refined and further developed folk dances, religious dances and dances that take place in other countries, this is how the dance happen.
Since court dances were mostly created by artists based on Chinese folk dances, they are rich and refined, is the ancient Chinese art form.
Tang Dynasty (618 - 907AD) was a peak period for traditional Chinese dance. But war during the Five Dynasties period disturbed social order so much that many famous dances were lost or became incomplete.
After the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD) folk opera replaced pure dance as an art form thriving. Of course, the creation and development of folk opera also inevitably inherited and mixed in many previous art forms. Dance and music from the Sui (581-618 AD) and Tang dynasties became an important component of folk opera.
Although the incorporation of folk dances into folk opera was based on the needs of the opera, certainly accumulated a rich collection of more traditional art. Many relics from ancient times bore images of dancers from various dynasties. These relics showed a clear connection between opera and dance. That is why although opera replaced dance and music as an art form to express the ubiquitous old operas still carried the characteristics of ancient Chinese dances.
In recent years, as qigong gained popularity in China, movements in martial arts became an important source for the development of Chinese classical dance for example Tanzigong (literally means. "The movement of the Tiger") is part of Chinese martial arts. When classic dance choreographers borrowed elements from Tanzigong they incorporated jumps, turns and summersaults into dance.
As traditional gems such as Taiji and sword moves were used in dance their extremely rich repertoire of classical dance. There are also murals of ancient grottos, cave paintings, sculpture, dance and literature have played an important role in the ongoing research and dance classics.
Prior to the May 4th Movement in 1919, dance, classical Chinese have largely been passed down among the common people after the year 1919, some artists believe that they are responsible for documentation systems. Chinese dance is the start of formal teaching of classical Chinese dance. To develop and revive folk dance artists learned from the composition of operas, folk dances and techniques incorporated in the training, ballet and Chinese form of martial art, to create a unique and. Chinese classical dance specials.
The long history and different types of Chinese, providing a variety of dance movement, refinement, style and richness of character. Since Chinese dance was developed through a number of dynasties and social environments that will be able to demonstrate multi-ethnicity, social class and character moments. The composition of any race can be integrated and interpreted by Chinese dance, and fully demonstrated.
This is why in Chinese classical dance has a large capacity of development and growth. The success of the 2007 NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular marking which focuses on classical Chinese dance, showed that Chinese dance is positioned to become a major form of artistic expression on the global stage.